Data Analytics Minor

The Data Analytics minor gives students data analytics skills in understanding patterns in data, analytical frameworks, predictive modeling, and discovering hidden relationships in data. These skills are important for problem solving in the business world, especially in fields such as finance and accounting.  The ability to understand and analyze data is a crucial aspect of all fields, and creates a competitive advantage when on the job search. Because of its usefulness in the technological world we live in, the minor is open to all UConn students, regardless of whether or not they are in the business school. The minor requires twelve credits. Students must complete OPIM 3221 Business Database Systems, OPIM 3802 Data and Text Mining, and OPIM 3803 Spreadsheet Modeling, and can choose between OPIM 3801 Project Management or OPIM 4895 Special Topics as their twelfth credit.

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Note: OPIM 3221 can count towards both the Management Information Systems (MIS) major and the Data Analytics minor