Join the Wellness Points Challenge!

Wellness Points Flyer

The Wellness Challenge aims to motivate students to develop and maintain healthy habits. Participating in the challenge is as simple as justĀ  submitting photos of yourself engaging in healthy activities to earn points. The more points you have, the more prizes you receive!

The challenge will run from October 5th to November 20th for the Fall 2020 semester. All Storrs students (on-campus and online) are welcome to participate!

The prizes vary from different tiers, such as

Tier 0: Registration Wellness Points Laptop Sticker (mailed to you immediately after registration)
Tier 1: 50 points $5 Gift Card to Starbucks, Dunkin’, etc.
Tier 2: 120 points Water bottle
Tier 3: 200 points T-Shirt
Tier 4: Points Leader $100 Amazon Gift Card

Visit for more information!

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