Unique opportunity to teach

Splash at Yale is seeking UConn Management Information Systems (MIS) students to teach a class to middle and high school students.

The Splash program brings middle and high school students from all over the country to Yale’s campus in New Haven for a day to take exciting and engaging classes, taught by college students.

These one-hour classes about any topic you think students will find interesting. Some examples of previous class topics are the science of baking, Pokemon Go!, organic chemistry, engineering a race car, etc. You can view a full list of last Fall’s class catalog here. Splash will be providing materials for you to use when teaching your class.

The program will take place this Spring on April 8th. Splash will be providing transportation to Yale for the day if there is enough interest from UConn students.

Interested students should email Jonathan Moore, jonathan.a.moore@uconn.edu  by Friday, January 27th with the topic they would like to teach.